Sunday, December 11, 2005

some days i think i know sisyphus...

hell, i'll be the first to admit that i'm a little rough around the edges so to speak - i mean not a day goes by when i don't say to myself, "you really need to go through anti-oppression training again ...and again...and again..."

having said that i'm generally a pretty upbeat kinda guy ... i mean i joke around a LOT even if i'm not very funny - people, g_d bless them, often give me brownie points for trying...

but today - well s__t, what do you say when your local newspaper, with an avowed abolition editorial position (mind you, it is gannett owned), runs not one but two (TWO!!!), op-ed pieces saying kill tookie williams, as news stories...

now as an organizer i have plenty of work to do ... i mean i'm here in the office on sunday, i was here yesterday, well you get the pic...but now, on monday i have to drop my work schedule and go down to the newspaper and ask the news editor whassup homey??? this can't be allowed to pass unchallenged - i don't care if they run kill tookie op-ed pieces (it is after all a relatively free country) but put them in the g__ _____d opinion page! is that asking too much of a "reputable" daily newspaper in a decent sized city???

so yes, on days like this i feel for and understand something about how sisyphus might have felt ... we're going to abolish this abominable, unreliable, and barbaric public policy but jeeeez, i wish i didn't have to micro-manage the content of a mainstream abolitionist newspaper...

thank you for listening to my rant ... i now return to my regularly scheduled organizing tasks...


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