Thursday, December 01, 2005

a little too close to home...

sometimes moments occur in this work that shake one out of work-a-day mindset and make the point that the death penalty is different and we're not baking bagels or selling houses when we go to work ...

recently a friend of mine in the movement sent me an e-mail that read (edited to protect identities):
"I started opening my mail - that I have ignored a bit ... I have a letter from
_________ ... I send 2 envelopes when I write .. one to reply back to me
and one for .. whatever .. family .. a trade etc ... _________ sends
one back - since __________ won't be needing it .."

_____________ was executed recently, caught up in the countdown - just another number to many ... it was an epiphanic moment ... sometimes we are so caught up in the policy oriented side of the work we get blindsided by the deep humanity of it all ...

i'm out of the message box ... i'm diving back in ... cya



Anonymous said...

Just found your site and appreciate what you are doing. Have you seen the new Mother Jones story on growing Catholic opposition to the death penalty? It's one of the first posts on my new site. Thanks. Keep up the good work.

the tennessee dude said...

yes marc, it's a great story (MJ featured NC death penalty organizing in a story a couple of years ago)and the jesuit volunteer who works in our tennessee office blogged about the article a few days ago...

Keshi said...

Its the most cruel act anyone can ever do...take another human's life in the name of law.


Nell said...

"Its the most cruel act anyone can ever do...take another human's life in the name of law."

Keshi, I could not agree with you more. I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that these prisoners are on death row for takings lives YET we (the law) find it okay to do the very same thing.