Thursday, June 03, 2004

State senator to students: Drop dead! (Oh, and get out of my office!)

Yesterday several of my colleagues, Cara, Kathleen and Sapna, were at the Delaware state capitol to help out with lobbying efforts. We're trying to pass a bill there that would ban the death penalty as an option for people who are younger than 18 years of age when the crime is committed. (For more information on this effort, go here.)

Although we have the votes in the Delaware State Legislature to pass the bill, we've been thwarted by State Sen. James T. Vaughn, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who won't let the bill out of his committee so that it can come up for a vote.

A group of high school students who were on hand to lobby in favor of the bill visited Sen. Vaughn's office, seeking a meeting. As soon as he found out why they were there, he promptly kicked them out of his office. Unfortunately for the good senator, a newspaper reporter was not far away and promptly went and interviewed the students about this abrupt display of senatorial sanctimony.

I'll let you read the rest. This is fun. Go here.


zoe kentucky said...

Nice new blog! I'll be sure to promote it on the 'doggie.

Anonymous said...

What about leaving no child left behind? I guess that doesn't apply when you've got swank senatorial office space.