Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Updating the numbers, and moving mountains one step and one person at a time....

Today this Blog received its 150,000th unique visitor.

We now have 58 videos in the Troy David Birthday/Innocence video project and these videos have received more than 6000 individual screenings.

When I was working with the United Farm Workers in California, we had an organizing principle: "Cada trabajador es un organizador." ("Every worker is an organizer.") The idea was that everyone has a voice, and everyone has the ability to use that voice to further our collective goals. One person working on a mountain seems insignificant. Joined by thousands of people, the job looks less insurmountable. Together, the more we grow, we can move mountains.

So I suggest we bring that "Every worker is an organizer" principle to our movement. If each person reading this blog asks just one person (if not five or ten people) to have a look and spread the word, we will continue to grow, and if those who join us take concrete actions, we'll keep moving forward faster.

Each of us has a voice. Each of us has the power to grow our movement. Each of us is an organizer. What are your next steps? Who will you take this issue to today?


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