Thursday, June 30, 2005

Message from Colombia

This message popped up in my email inbox this morning. It is in response to the previous post about the 12th Annual Fast and Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty.

Re: Starving for Justice
Dear Sirs:
Please receive my wholehearted support in your effort to abolish the death penalty. I firmly believe nobody has the right to end another human being's life, for any reason whatsoever.
Allow me to recall the heartrending case of Timothy Evans. Mr. Evans was hung in England in 1950 for supposedly killing his wife and baby daughter, Geraldine. He happened to be the neighbor of notorious serial killer John Christie and was posthumously pardoned after police found both Mr. Evan's wife and daughter buried beneath the floorboards of Christie's house. Imagine the excruciating anguish suffered by this innocent man wrongly put to death for murdering the two people he probably loved most in the entire world.
What horror!
Louis J. de Deaux
Cali, Colombia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The death penalty is banned in 1964. Thanks to Timothy Evans, a man got hanged by mistake. Evans was pardoned on October 18, 1966. Sebastian Spering Kresge, a founder of K-Mart, passes away on the very day Evans was pardoned by the Queen Elizabeth II.